Macao Daily News Limited التطبيقات

澳門日報 5.1.7
Macao Daily News Limited
《澳門日報》於1958年8月15日創刊, 發行量和廣告量長期居澳門中文報紙首位,是澳門地區規模最大、最具代表性的日報。服務對象以澳門讀者爲主,兼顧香港、台灣、北美、歐洲、東南亞以及珠江三角洲和中國各大城市的讀者。每天出本埠版12至20大張、外埠版9至16大張,以內容豐富、訊息量大、言論權威、弘揚中華文化見稱。"Macao Daily News" onAugust 15, 1958 publication, circulation and advertising volumeranking first in the long-term Macau Chinese newspaper, is thelargest and most representative of the daily Macau. Service objectto Macau readers mainly take into account Hong Kong, Taiwan, NorthAmerica, Europe, and the readers of China Pearl River Delta andmajor cities in Southeast Asia. Day of collection of the localversion of the 12-20 large sheets, other towns edition 9-16 largesheets, with rich content, message volume, speech authority,promote Chinese culture known for.